Administrator groups

Administrator groups

Create an administrators group

Please note that any project in Logwise is only visible to the administrator who created it. To allow viewing and editing by other administrators within the company, the project needs to be shared. Sharing a project may be done to single administrator or to a group of administrators.

The advantages to sharing a project to a group is that members may be added and removed without doing it for each of the projects.

In this article we explain how to create an administrative group. 

1. Navigate to administrators groups

To create an administrator group, first navigate to the administrator page through the top menu, located under the settings icon:

2. Add the group

Create a new group by clicking the "Create new group" button and give a name to the group:

3. Add new members 

Add new members by clicking the "Add members" button

Members may be removed by selecting the member and then click the "Remove button".
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