Senior Executives List/Extended PDMR List - extended closed period notifications

Senior Executives List/Extended PDMR List - extended closed period notifications

To inform a wider group of people about upcoming closed periods and company related policies, you may want to use the Senior Executives list functionality. Persons added to the list will receive notifications about closed periods in the same way as PDMRs. The use of this function is not a requirement under MAR but a great tool for managing company related policies.  

1. Access the standing list menu 

From here you can create a standing list for your Senior Executives, in the below steps this list is called "Senior Executives" but you can name it freely as well as change the name of the list at any point.

2. Access the Senior Executives List

Your Senior Executives List will now be accessible through the standing lists menu.

3. Add persons to the Senior Executives List

Add persons by clicking the green button "ADD NEW LIST MEMBER(S)". Select if you want to send a notification or not. Messages can be adapted as shown below. Click "Add" and person will be added to the list. To add multiple persons in one go you can also create groups of persons, using the grouping function. There is also a possibility to integrate with Microsoft Active Directory if you want to retrieve existing email groups from Outlook / Teams.

4. Edit personal information 

Click the 3-dots menu to the right of any list member to edit details, including reason and organization.

5. Change closed period notifications

Click the link "View closed periods" to see or amend the closed period notifications. This view can also accessed through the top menu Executives > Reporting periods. For more details on reporting periods, click here.

Click the 3-dots menu at the top right corner to view and edit the template message you want to edit.

7. Send individual notifications to list members

Click the 3-dots menu to the right of any list member and select "Send notification". Edit the message and click send. You may want to use this function for new starters to inform about company related polices. 


Note: Depending on our package, this functionality may not be activated on your account. Please contact Logwise Support should you want it to be activated. 

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