Getting started guide - PDMR management

Getting started guide - PDMR management

This guide introduce you to the PDMR workflow in Logwise. You will learn how to add PDMRs (Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities), view their e-signed confirmations, add PCAs (Person Closely Associated) and set notification emails for closed periods. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or need further assistance >

1. How to add a PDMR?

In Logwise, click the menu "EXECUTIVES" > "PDMR list". To add a PDMR, click "ADD PDMR".

Press the "PDMR" field and select the relevant person from the list. If the person doesn't appear on the list press "Add new contact" and enter their name and email address.

An email will be sent including a legal memorandum along with instructions how to confirm their obligations as a PDMR under MAR if you select "Send notification", this message can be customized. 

2. How to add Persons Closely Associated?

The PDMRs are responsible for informing their close associates (PCAs) about their obligations. The PDMR (or the Logwise administrator) can add all PCAs related to a PDMR (both physical and legal persons) by clicking the "add associates" button. To view & download the pdf notification click the "Ready to sign link", if the PDMR has signed their notification this link will update to "Notification signed".

Clicking the add associates button will open a form where different types of associates can be added to the PDMR. Fill in the information and when done click the "ADD ASSOCIATE" button, this will send an email to the associate's email informing them of their obligations as an associate to the PDMR.

The associates shows up below the PDMR information. For each associate you can see their status (trafic light indicator), notification and other options under the three dot menu.

3. Closed period notifications

In Logwise, you can also set an automatic notification email to inform PDMRs about upcoming closed periods. Click the menu "EXECUTIVES" > "Reporting periods". Add the dates for your reports and Logwise will automatically send notifications 7 days ahead of the start of the closed period.

4. Export of the list

You can easily export the complete list by clicking the export button, as seen below. You can also select different time periods to see historical versions of the list. 

5. Standing lists

In Logwise, there is an option to extend the closed period notification to a wider group to fulfill company policy related trading restrictions. For this group you can adapt the messages and allow for automatic notification in relation to the financial calendar and reporting dates. If this option is not visible on your account, please reach out to Logwise support for module activation. 

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