PDMRs Workflow In Logwise

PDMRs Workflow In Logwise

1.Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMR)

As a PDMR you are regulated under MAR based on your position in the company. As a PDMR you should:
  • Ensure you have read and understood your obligations in the legal memorandum for PDMRs (available in the service and sent in an email to you)
  • Confirm obligations by signing the memorandum
  • Inform and register your persons closely associated (PCA)
If you have received PDMR status, follow the following steps to complete all the requirements.

In the initial email that you receive and in all reminders there is a PDF attached which details what your obligations as a PDMR are under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Read the PDF and ensure that you understand the obligations that you now have.

Navigate to https://www.app.logwise.com/pdmrs and log in. Once logged in you will be presented with the PDMR screen.

Update personal information
To view or update any of your personal information then click the three-dotted menu and then edit.

1.1 To confirm your obligations as PDMR, click "SIGN NOTIFICATION"

Navigate to the "SIGN NOTIFICATION" box and click it, this will present you with a pop up screen seen in the next step. 


This will redirect you to "Egreement" where you are to read, and sign, the memorandum.

1.3 Once you've read the memorandum, click the green "Sign" box in the bottom right hand corner 

Read the memorandum, on the right hand side of your screen, and click the "Sign" box:


This will present you with the options to sign the Memorandum using Swedish / Norwegian BankID, Finnish EID, a drawn signature or through SMS.


You have now fulfilled the first obligation that you as a PDMR have under MAR. 
To have the option of signing with SMS, you must first enter a correctly formatted work mobile number under your professional contact details in the Logwise portal.

2.PDMRs obligations to inform and register PCAs

As a PDMR you are also obliged to inform and register your persons closely associated (PCA). 

2.1 Navigate to the "My PDMR" screen by clicking your initial in the top right hand corner 

This will take you to the PDMR screen.

2.2 To add a PCA, click the "ADD ASSOCIATE" button and fill in the details

Click the "ADD ASSOCIATE" button and fill in the details.

First select what type of association you have to the person(s). On the right hand side of the screen you will se an explanation as to what constitutes the category you have selected.

Once you have selected the type of association, please fill in the details, and click the "ADD ASSOCIATE" button in the bottom right hand corner. 

You are obliged under MAR to add all PCAs relevant to you, meaning you may have to add several associates in the Logwise service, repeating the above process for each one. 

You are now done and have fulfilled your obligations as a PDMR under MAR.

To understand what PCAs are requested to do, read our article on PCAs.

Need help?
We are here to help you! Please contact us via support@logwise.com 
You may also find answers to your questions in our Q&A or Help Center

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